Coaching Plans

“long term learning where lasting improvement
and lower scores are guaranteed” 

Our Aim:

To guide our students on a journey of self discovery.
To aid development of a growth mind set
To assist them to develop the necessary skills and understandings to take their golf game to new highs.
To help them manage the change and improvements, which can take place in their games.

Such learning’s just can’t be achieved in a single lesson and the idea that a combination of a number of simple “golf tips” will help you improve your game simply isn’t true.

As a consequence, we only work with those students who are willing to enter into a long term learning experience where lasting improvement can be guaranteed.

"Steve has totally convinced me, using his transformational golf coaching techniques, that I can reduce my current 12 handicap back to my low of 4 (where in my mind it should be) - even after over 50 years of playing golf! I told him recently that I have just hit my best ever 4 iron shot!"

Gerry Kerr, Dec '19

“Stephen is the first golfing coach who has taken me back to basics after struggling for years with inconsistency and a real understanding of, in particular, what the golf swing is all about. It has been a step by step approach, breaking the swing down and working on each piece week by week to then bring everything together whilst at the same time building my confidence. I understand what should be happening in a decent golf swing and how to actually produce it. He does not accept negativity and his positivity rubs off on me so that I understand I am on a journey and not an over night cure.

At 62 years of age, I was reaching the stage where perhaps I just had to conclude I just needed to give up this game. Stephen is certainly the best golf coach I have encountered as he is turning around my game because I really am learning the skills required, understanding them, and then delivering them consistently. I thoroughly recommend him to sort out any wayward golfer and to teach the game to new players in a way that I wish I had experienced! ”

Richard Rogers, Oct 19.

Our coaching plans are based on a standard rate of £60.00 / hour and are bespokely developed to meet your needs.

“Our coaching plans will help you create new habits that lowers your scores and will last a lifetime”.

Stephen has spent over 50 years playing this game trying to understand how every tiny aspect of the swing influences a players ability to create an identical repeating pattern - on each and every swing.

Stephen passionately believes the connection between the club and the body -“through the hands” - plays the greatest role in the creation of a fluid, repeating golf swing.

Our coaching methods will remove that lingering thought – “I don’t think I will be able to change my current technique”


We help our students create new habits - leaving the old habits behind - enabling the development of a more efficient and repeating golf swing.

Please take the time today to join us for an initial assessment and start your journey towards enjoyable golf experiences every time you play !!